State Road and Tollway Authority ‘Breeze’ Migration

Campaign Branding, Marketing and Launch

Due to Jones Worley’s experience branding and launching MARTA’s Breeze program, SRTA (now the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority, or ATL) engaged the firm to help the Authority migrate Xpress Commuter Coach Service customers to the Breeze card. With the majority of Xpress’s customers still using magnetic-strip passes, Jones Worley developed a strategic communications plan and a targeted, phased campaign to transition Xpress customers to Breeze.

To roll out this multi-phased, audience-specific campaign, Jones Worley developed posters, door hangers, rack cards, brochures, farebox labels, videos, and quick-reference guides for employees and customers. Jones Worley also consulted with SRTA on matters related to the roll-out’s impact on Title VI.


Similar projects

South Florida Regional Transportation Authority

South Florida Regional Transportation Authority

MARTA Breeze Card

MARTA Breeze Card

Other similar projects: SFMTA/Muni Clipper, CA; Port Authority of Allegheny County ConnectCard, PA; St. Louis Metro Gateway, MO; Sacramento (SACOG) Connect Card, CA; Capital District Transportation Authority Navigator, NY; JTA STAR Card, FL

Related projects: My Xpress 2.0 app campaign, GA; new farebox rollout for SRTA, GA


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